Accidents happen. It’s merely just a matter of time. And depending on your lifestyle, you and your family could have a higher risk of accidents than most. Very active families can put themselves in the position to be affected by accidents more often. Do you like to ski, travel, play sports or seek out new adventures? So you bike or run? Are you an avid swimmer, horseback rider or outdoorsman? Do your children play sports or head outside to play with friends after school? The truth is that an accident can affect anyone at any time. The bad news is that typical individual and group health insurance policies don’t cover all the expenses associated with accidents. That’s where accident insurance comes into play.
What is Accident Insurance?
Let’s say for example that you break your leg during a neighborhood pick-up game of basketball. Not only are you worried about having to hobble around for weeks on crutches, but also wondering how much this is going to cost. Health insurance plans vary widely, but the addition of an accident insurance plan can help make up for costs that are not covered. For example, accident insurance policies help cover costs for emergency room treatments, x-ray diagnostic exams, physical therapy, follow-up treatment, hospital stays and so much more. But how does that translate into cost savings?
With data supplied by Aflac, here is a typical example. For a broken leg, the average cost of medical bills to get healthy again is $9300. Depending on your health insurance, a typical policy will cover on average $5580 of that total cost. That leaves $3720 not covered that will come out of your pocket. For so many, that is a very significant amount to pay out of pocket. And what happens when your family is plagued by multiple accidents in one year. The financial burden can be overwhelming. Keep in mind; this example is a broken leg. Many accidents can be far more expensive. The addition of an accident insurance policy is something to consider. Of course, no one knows when an accident will happen. The important question is, would additional coverage be smart for you and your family.
Accident Insurance and The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association
If you are a member of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, AIS and Aflac have partnered together to provide you an option for an add-on accident insurance policy. The Aflac Advantage policy includes benefits payable for fractures, dislocations, lacerations, concussions, burns, emergency dental work, eye injuries and surgical procedures. There are no network restrictions and no coordination of benefits. They pay regardless of other insurance coverage. Accident coverage is an added benefit to your insurance plan.
There are different benefit amounts for ambulance, therapy, hospitalization, and accident specific needs. There are also accidental death and dismemberment benefits available. If you are an OCA member and interested in learning more about these benefits, please contact AIS at (913) 397-9400 or fill out the online Request Form.
Go ahead and get a quote. Then you can weigh the option of monthly costs to the benefits provided and make an informed decision for you and your family. The OCA and AIS have worked hard to bring members amazing insurance options that cover what’s most important in life. Be sure to take advantage.